As you move into February 2021 I am recommending you choose JOY and not be afraid to DREAM Big Dreams! The universe is asking us to expand and not shrink!
Yes, I know the first thought that comes to you is ‘this person must be crazy. What universe are they living on, our world/country is in chaos and turmoil. I have no time to find my joy or dream! You are right, if you being controlled by media and your devices your entire system will be operating from a fight, flight or freeze mode and you will not be able to BREATHE in ALL of the goodness and opportunities our world is offering.
The EGO mind is fully present every day and wants you to believe that you have no power or control. I am here not to dish up more of the same, but to offer you a little encouragement and nudging. I am here to tell you, if every day you are present to each moment of your life…as Ram Dass said ‘Be here, NOW’, you will find and see the JOY that is always trying to present itself but you may miss IT.
To be alive now, in this moment in our history is a great honour and gift. We are taking part in the resilience of our humanity. We all are being called to step up and step out to and for a greater purpose. We are being tasked, asked and beseeched to choose LOVE as Valerie Kaur says in her book ‘See No Stranger’ a revolutionary love. This is the type of love that really speaks to the heart and not the ego. This love allows us to truly see ourselves in the other person, even if that person is causing us pain, discomfort and struggle. This is the type of love which all our ‘Wisdom Teachers’ for generations spoke of. This love is both a noun and verb at the same time.
We are a community of one. What happens to you will affect me whether I choose to acknowledge that or not. We are no longer protected by our gates, money or zip codes. COVID 19 is showing us that daily. As a community, we take care of each other. We try to understand from a place of empathy and compassion the bodies we are living in and the PAIN, we are all carrying from the bodies (our ancestors) that came before us (collective trauma). We acknowledge, recognize and hold agency over all of it. We move through all of it in community, holding and carry each other…he isn’t heavy, he is my brother!
We will find JOY in helping and building stronger communities such as supporting the idea of having a community refridgerator in your town or on your block so you can share or exchange food supplies. Giving is one of the best ways I know to bring more JOY in. There are many ways and opportunities for all of us to help each other. One of my favorite ways is through reading. How about giving/sharing books to help your neighbor/friends begin having a different point of view or mindset.
Some of my favorite books to share/give are: A New Earth by Eckhard Toile; Inner Engineering by Sadhguru; Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dwyer; The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo; Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
What I have found over the years and especially today is that reading can facilitate DREAMING. Reading gets you out of your mind, your limiting beliefs and your ego’s control. It can help create a different mindset, create a crack or even opening a window to a new way of being and thinking. What I also know is that it will take practice and focus and a mindset of ‘I am not a victim and I am good enough’.
So together let’s make 2021 our BEST YEAR EVER! Let’s DREAM together. Let’s find and share our JOY.
All the Best Always.